Refined Storage

Infinite storage and infinite wireless grid, your QoL has never been better.

If you are trying to autocraft in refined storage with an item that doesn't get used, eg. (mystical agriculture infusion crystal, buckets, immersive engineering wire cutters ect..) you will run into problems with refined storage wanting a new item for each use. To overcome this, it is recommended you use an rftools crafter.

Warning about infinite storage and NBT limit

There is a hard limit coded into Minecraft for the amount of data, or NBT, that can be sent. When using an infinite disk with refined storage, you can easily hit that threshold. Too much NBT in your RS system can lead to crashes/world corruption, as opening any grid from refined storage scans the contents of the entire system.

Items such as cobblestone do not have a lot of NBT, and the amount of cobble is mostly irrelevant. Items that carry a lot of NBT would be things like, enchanted gear with durability or bees in jars in a dank in a bag of yurting ect...

Keep things like that OUT of your RS system for a smoother ride

Getting Started


To craft a controller you'll need slime, quartz, iron and diamond. You'll also need a crafting grid and a disk drive with a disk. This is a minimum refined storage system that will get you started.


If your new to modded, allthemods, or minecraft in general, please take a look at our getting started guide.

Look in the in game book Allthemodium or search the ores in JEI and view the tooltips. There is additional information in the Allthemodium book.

The chaos guardian is a multi-phase fight. The crystals can only be damaged by the dragon and it's attacks, but the final hit on them will have to come from you to destroy them. Once all the crystals are destroyed, only half the time will it be susceptible to damage, when it doesnt have a blue shield. It has two health bars as well - a red over shield and then its actual HP.

ATM6 1.8.x: terraforged (default does work)
1.7.x or earlier: default. Others have proven problematic.
use: level-type=skyblockbuilder\:custom_skyblock

If your opped (open to lan with cheats on) you can use this command
/ftbchunks admin extra_force_load_chunks @p add
Edit \world\serverconfig\ftbchunks.snbt (ftbchunks-server.toml for pre 1.7.x packs) while the server is OFFLINE, update max_force_loaded_chunks to the value you want, save it, then start the server.

Chunkloading is handled by FTB Chunks. Open your map where you claim chunks and once you have a chunk claimed, shift click that same chunk. It should show a red X through the chunk, showing that it is force loaded.

Create and island: /skyblock create
Go to my island: /skyblock home
Go to spawn: /skyblock spawn
See more commands at Skyblock on Github
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